Social media are currently experiencing great success and their power to influence consumers is growing. The role of opinion leaders in social media marketing is taking over by the so-called influencers who can significantly influence shopping and decision-making behaviour of
MIKLOŠÍK, Andrej – KUCHTA, Martin – EVANS, Nina – ŽÁK, Štefan. Towards the Adoption of Machine Learning-Based Analytical Tools in Digital Marketing. In IEEE Access. – Piscataway : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ISSN 2169-3536, 2019, vol. 7, pp. 85705-85718 online.
Exponential technological expansion creates opportunities for competitive advantage by applying new data-oriented approaches to digital marketing practices. Machine learning (ML) can predict future developments and support decision-making by extracting insights from large amounts of generated data. This functionality greatly impacts
VOKOUNOVÁ, Dana. Nákupné štýly mladej generácie. In Marketing science & inspirations : vedecký časopis zameraný na problematiku marketingu a marketingového manažmentu. – Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2019. ISSN 1338-7944, 2019, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 34-41
Nákupné správanie spotrebiteľov je zložitý proces, v pozadí ktorého stojí viacero zdanlivo nesúvisiacich premenných. Pochopenie tohto procesu je dôležité pre marketing všetkých subjektov stojacich na strane ponuky, pretože ich stimuly môžu v danej situácii rozhodnúť, či si spotrebiteľ vyberie práve